Titanium Doped Sapphire Description
Titanium Doped Sapphire (Ti3+:Al2O3) is the most widely used crystal for wavelength tunable lasers and ultrashort pulse generation due to their supreme physical and optical properties with the extremely broad lasing range. This crystal exhibits a comprehensive absorption spectrum in the green spectral region, making it ideally suited for pumping by another laser within the wavelength range of 514 to 532 nm. Its unparalleled versatility and efficiency in facilitating a wide range of lasing wavelengths underscore its critical role in advancing laser technology and its applications in various fields.
Titanium Doped Sapphire Specifications
Standard Specifications
Crystal Structure
Lattice Parameters
a=4.758 Å, c=12.991 Å
Density (g/cm³)
Absorption range
400~600 nm
Absorption peak
488 nm
Absorption Coefficient at 490nm
Tuning range
660~1050 nm
Ti2O3 Concentration
0.06 - 0.5 wt%
Refractive index
1.76 @ 800 nm
Fluorescence lifetime
3.2 μs (T = 300 K)
5~150 mm
1~80 mm
[0001] normal to rod axis
0.1-0.2 λ @633 nm
10 arcsec
Surface finishing
10/5 scratch/dig
Titanium Doped Sapphire Application
Titanium Doped Sapphire is the most widely used crystal for wavelength tunable lasers and ultrashort pulse generatio.
Titanium Doped Sapphire Packaging
Our Titanium Doped Sapphire is carefully handled during storage and transportation to preserve the quality of our product in its original condition.