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CY2427 Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates

Catalog No. CY2427
Size 10x10x1.0mm; 10x5x1.0mm
Material SiO2 (quartz)
Orientation (100)(101)

A variety size of Silicon Dioxide SiO2 (quartz) Single-crystal Substrates can be offered by Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM). We have a professional sales team to offer a fast response within 24 hours and warm service.

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CY2427 Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates
CY2427 Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates
CY2427 Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates
CY2427 Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates

Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates Description

Silicon Dioxide SiO2 (quartz) Single-crystal Substrates are used in electronics, precision optics, and laser technology, optical communications, X-ray optics, and pressure sensors, due to its piezoelectric properties, low coefficient of thermal expansion, excellent mechanical and optical properties.

SiO2 single crystal substrates

Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates Specifications


Optical grade: 99.99%

Crystal Structure

Hexagonal a= 4.914 Å     c = 5.405 Å


7.0 Mohs


2.684 g/cm3

Melt Point

1610 deg C (phase transition point: 573.1 °C)

Thermoelectric Constant

1200 mV / °C @ 300 °C

Thermal conductivity

0.0033 cal/cm/ °C

Thermal expansion coefficient, (CTE) (x10^-6/ K)

perpendicular: 13.71

parallel: 7.48

Refractive Index


Silicon Dioxide (SiO2 quartz) Crystal Substrates Applications

Silicon Dioxide Single crystal quartz Substrates are ideal for use as substrates for thin film deposition and are also suitable for many optical applications. Quartz single crystal wafers and substrates are also used as microwave filters in wireless communication.





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