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We are thankful for each and every one of our wonderful customers. To show our appreciation, Stanford Advanced Materials offers the best discount on the materials such as high purity non-ferrous metals, rare earth oxide powders, rare earth fluoride, and magnets to support researchers & manufacturers across all fields of study and industrial production.

We are offering free & discounted chemical and engineering materials for college departments, laboratories, and clubs. In return, we ask that you share our website link on your website page, or mention our name in your blog or future publications where you use the materials.

Feel free to ask us if interested. The promotion code for this project is PROMOTE2022.

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Please call one of our staff members at (949) 407-8904 to receive your discounted quotes on the following stock items.

Yttrium Fluoride Powder           Tantalum Oxide Powder

yttrium fluoride powder          tantalum oxide powder

Material: Yttrium Fluoride Powder (YF3)                    Material:Tantalum Pentoxide Powder (Ta2O5)
CAS: 13709-49-4                                                    CAS:1314-61-0
Purity: 99-99.995%                                                Purity: 99.9%, 99.99%
In stock: 25+ KG, 30% off market value                  In stock: 20+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)        Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Ytterbium Oxide Powder             Thulium Oxide Powder      

Ytterbium Oxide              Tantalum Pentoxide

Material: Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3)                                          Material: Tantalum Pentoxide Powder (Ta2O5)
CAS: 1314-37-0                                                                     CAS:12036-44-1
Purity: 99.9%, 99.99%, 99.995%, 99.998%                              Density (at R.T.): 8.6 g/cc
In stock: 100+ KG, 20% off market value                                In stock: 30+ KG, 25% off off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                      Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Terbium Oxide Powder                   Molybdenum Bar

terbium oxide               mo bar

Material: Terbium Oxide (Tb4O7)                                                      Material: Mo≥99.95% & TZM
CAS: 12037-01-3                                                                           Shape: Bar
Molar mass: 747.72 g/mol                                                                Size: >4.0mm Dia. x L
In stock: 35+ KG, 25% off market value                                          Standard: ASTM B387
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                                In stock:  2PC(0.4KG), 50% off market value
                                                                                                          Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Gadolinium Oxide Powder             Yttrium Oxide Powder 

gadolinia             Yttria

Material: Gadolinium Oxide (Gd2O3) / Gadolinia                  Material: Yttrium Oxide (Y2O3) / Yttria
CAS: 12064-62-9                                                                  CAS: 1314-36-9
Density (at R.T.): 7.07 g/cc                                                    Formula Weight: 225.81
In stock: 300+ KG, 20% off market value.                            In stock: 100+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                    Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Cerium (IV) Oxide                Neodymium Oxide (Nd2O3) 

CeO2             Neodymium Oxide 

Material: CeO2 powder                                                              Material: Neodymium Oxide
CAS: 1306-38-3                                                                      CAS:1313-97-9
Tap Density(g/cm3): 7.13                                                          Melting Point: 2233 °C
In stock: 350+ KG, 20% off market value                                  In stock: 20+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                        Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Hafnium Oxide Powder              Europium Oxide Powder 

Hafnium Oxide         Europium Oxide 

Material: Hafnium Oxide Powder                                        Material: OX1057 Europium Oxide (Eu2O3)
Catalog No.: NN1578                                                          CAS: 1308-96-9
APS: 50nm                                                                          Melting Point: 2350 °C
In stock: 350+ KG, 20% off market value                          In stock: 75+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Praseodymium Oxide Powder    Gallium Oxide Powder 

Praseodymium Oxide             Gallium Oxide 

Material: Praseodymium (III, IV) Oxide                                    Material: Gallium Oxide (Ga2O3)
CAS Number: NN1578                                                            CAS:12024-21-4
Purity: 99.9%, 99.99%, 99.999%                                              Density: 6.44g/cm3
In stock: 100+ KG, 20% off market value                                In stock: 5+ KG, 30% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                      Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Terbium Oxide     Samarium Oxide Powder 

Terbium Oxide            Samarium Oxide

Material: Terbium Oxide Evaporation Materials                  Material: Samarium Oxide
Catalog No.: VD0731                                                      CAS: 12060-58-1
Purity: 99.9% ~ 99.99%                                                      Purity: 99.9%
In stock: 35+ KG, 20% off market value                            In stock: 60+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Holmium Oxide                Magnesium Oxide (MgO) Powder 

Holmium Oxide            Magnesia

Material: Holmium Oxide (Ho2O3)                                                Material: Fused Magnesia
CAS: 12055-62-8, 39455-61-3                                                        CAS: 1309-48-4
Molar mass: 377.86 g/mol                                                              Purity: 99.9%
In stock: 50+ KG, 20% off market value                                        In stock: 1+ KG, 40% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                            Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Tantalum Pentoxide            Lanthanum Oxide Powder 

Tantalum Oxide                Lanthanum Oxide

Material: Tantalum Oxide/Tantalum Pentoxide                          Material: Lanthanum (III) Oxide
CAS: 1314-61-0                                                                        CAS: 1312-81-8
Formula Weight: 441.98                                                            Purity: 99.99%, 99.995%, 99.999%
In stock: 50+ KG, off market value                                            In stock: 150+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                        Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Scandium Oxide (Sc2O3)   Zirconium Oxide Powder 

Scandium Oxide   Zirconia

Material: Scandium Oxide (Sc2O3)                                      Material: Zirconium Oxide (Zirconia)
Catalog No.: VD0723                                                            Catalog No.: OX1427
Purity: 99.9% ~ 99.99%                                                        Chemical Formula: ZrO2
In stock: 5+ KG, 30% off market value                                In stock: 15+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Indium Oxide Powder                      Silicon Powder

Indium Oxide                Silicon

Material: IN2333 Indium Oxide Powder                                      Material: Silicon Powder (Si Powder)
CAS: 1312-43-2                                                                      CAS: 7440-21-3
Purity: 99.99 %                                                                          Melting Point: 1414 °C
In stock: 1+ KG, off market value                                              In stock: 150+ KG, 50% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                        Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Gallium Metal                   Scandium Metal(Sc Metal)

Gallium Metal                  Scandium Metal

Material: Gallium Metal (Ga Metal)                                                Material: Scandium Metal (Sc Metal)
CAS: 7440-55-3                                                                            Catalog No.: SC1017
Melting Point: 29.78 °C                                                                  Purity: 99.99%, 99.995%, 99.999%
In stock: 1PC(2KG), 20% off market value                                      In stock: 10+ KG, 40% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                              Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Indium Metal Ingot                         Dysprosium Metal Chunk

Indium Ingot                 Dysprosium Metal

Material: Indium Ingot (In Ingot)                                                          Material: Dysprosium Metal (Dy Metal)
CAS: 7440-74-6                                                                                  CAS: 7429-91-6
Purity: 2N, 3N, 4N, 4N5, 5N, 6N, 7N                                                  Melting Point: 1412 °C
In stock: 16PCS(8KG), 30% off market value                                    In stock: 2+ KG, 40% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                                Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Samarium Metals                           Gadolinium Metal

Samarium Metals                      Gadolinium Metal

Material: Samarium Metals (Sm Metals)                                          Material: Gadolinium Metal (Gd Metal)
CAS: 7440-19-9                                                                                CAS: 7440-54-2
Purity: 99%, 99.9%                                                                            Melting Point: 1585 K (1312 °C, 2394 °F)
In stock: 10+ KG, off market value                                                    In stock: 4+ KG, 40% off.
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                                Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Ytterbium Metal     Holmium Metal(Ho Metal)

Ytterbium Metal                  Holmium Metal

Material: Ytterbium Metal (Yb Metal)                                                Material: Holmium Metal (Ho Metal)
CAS: 7440-64-4                                                                                CAS: 7440-60-0
Melting Point: 1,506°F (818.8°C)                                                    Melting Point: 1474 °C
Density (at R.T.): 6.90 g/m³                                                              Boiling point: 2695 °C
In stock: 15+ KG, 30% off market value                                          In stock: 1+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                              Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)


Hafnium Pellets                  Tantalum Metal Powder    

Hafnium Pellets               Tantalum Powder

Material: Hafnium Pellets (Hf Particles)                                                               Material: Tantalum Powder
Standard: ASTM B776                                                                                         CAS: 7440-25-7
Purity: Hf+Zr > 99.95%, Zr < 1.5%                                                                       Melting Point: 3017 °C
In stock: 5+ KG, 20% off market value                                                          In stock: 80+ KG, 20% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                                            Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Tungsten Alloy Bar/Pellet        Scandium Fluoride (ScF3)

 Tungsten Alloy                       Scandium Fluoride   

Material: W content: 85-99%, W-Ni-Fe, W-Ni-Cu                              Material: Scandium Fluoride, ScF3
Shape: ball/pellet                                                                                CAS: 13709-47-2
Diameter: 1mm-100mm                                                                      Purity: 99.9%, 99.99%, 99.999%
In stock: 2+ KG, 40% off market value                                              In stock: 0.5 KG, 50% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                                Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Dysprosium Fluoride Powder        Ytterbium Fluoride

Dysprosium Fluoride                  Ytterbium Fluoride

Material: Dysprosium Fluoride(DyF3)                                            Material: Ytterbium Fluoride (YbF3)
CAS: 13569-80-7                                                                            CAS: 13760-80-0
Molecular Weight: 219.50                                                              Purity: 99-99.995%
In stock: 2+ KG, 40% off market value                                          In stock : 0.8 KG, 50% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                            Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Praseodymium Fluoride         Yttrium Fluoride Powder

Praseodymium Fluoride                   Yttrium Fluoride

Material: Praseodymium (III) Fluoride                                            Material: Yttrium Fluoride Powder
CAS: 13709-46-1                                                                            CAS: 13709-49-4
Purity: 99% -99.9% (REO)                                                              Purity: 99-99.995%
In stock: 2KG, 40% off market value                                              In stock : 40+ KG, 30% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)                              Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)

Neodymium Magnet

Neodymium Magnet

Material: NdFeB
Part No.: SMBN0446
Shape: Block(arc/cylinder available)
Grade: N52(N35SH/N40S/HN42 available)
Magnetization Direction: Through Thickness
Coating: Nickel Coated Magnets
In stock: 2000+ pcs, 30% off market value
Lead time: 3-7 days(Depend on Real-time Qty)














About the author

Chin Trento

Chin Trento holds a bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry from the University of Illinois. His educational background gives him a broad base from which to approach many topics. He has been working with writing advanced materials for over four years in Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM). His main purpose in writing these articles is to provide a free, yet quality resource for readers. He welcomes feedback on typos, errors, or differences in opinion that readers come across.

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