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How SAM Provided Customized Boron Nitride Refractory Devices

Boron nitride is a stable compound widely used for high-temperature apparatus. This ceramic stands out for its high melting point, great thermal stability, high thermal conductivity, chemical inertness, and easy machinability. Thanks to these features, it found applications in high-temperature device manufacturing, metal casting, and a range of industries. This article is based on a SAM's case using boron nitride to make regular sheets and more importantly customized devices used at high temperatures.

The Challenge

A customer of Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) has been working on manufacturing nanocomposites using a variety of materials ranging from ceramics to polymers. They were looking for high-quality ceramic materials for high-temperature equipment. This time, they specially asked us to customize boron nitride ceramics suitable for microwave ovens.

Figure 1 Boron Nitride Ceramics

Related reading: Boron Nitride Overview: Properties, Production, and Uses

The Innovation

Our customers not only got regular boron nitride plates at reasonable prices but also obtained personalized boron nitride pieces to produce high-temperature apparatus.

At first, we provided boron nitride plates of 5” X 10” X .25” thickness (12pc) or 10” X 10” X .25” thickness (6pc), and the tolerance was +/- .060”. This company was quite satisfied with our quote.

Thereafter, the nanocomposite manufacturing company sent us an email, looking for a customized BN refractory lining set for a microwave sintering furnace they were fabricating. 14 pieces were required in total. A detailed drawing including dimensions was also attached. Our staff worked hard for such customization and satisfied our customer’s demands ultimately.

The Result

Stanford Advanced Materials successfully made a personalized refractory lining set for them, earning appraisal and further cooperation.

“Your BN plates were perfect and we’ve been using them as overheating liners in our microwave furnace. Can you provide sheets of alumina as well? We are appreciative of your team’s very good work!” said the chief engineer of this top US nanocomposite manufacturer. This company sent us a picture of the well-functioning boron nitride lining set as well (See figure 2).

Figure 2 Customized Boron Nitride Devices

Stanford Advanced Materials is a top supplier of various kinds of ceramics and other advanced materials. If you have questions about ceramic properties, production methods, and uses, please send an inquiry for further recommendation. Customization is also welcome.

About the author

Chin Trento

Chin Trento holds a bachelor’s degree in applied chemistry from the University of Illinois. His educational background gives him a broad base from which to approach many topics. He has been working with writing advanced materials for over four years in Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM). His main purpose in writing these articles is to provide a free, yet quality resource for readers. He welcomes feedback on typos, errors, or differences in opinion that readers come across.

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