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OX1073 Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) (CAS No. 1314-37-0)

Catalog No. OX1073
Material Ytterbium Oxide, Yb2O3
Purity 99.9%, 99.99%, 99.995%, 99.998%
CAS Number 1314-37-0
Shape Powder, Sputtering Target
Melting Point 2227 °C
Formula Weight 394.08

Stanford Advanced Materials (SAM) has rich experience and good knowledge of supplying Ytterbium Oxide with high purity and competitive price. We also provide other Ytterbium products including Ytterbium Metal.

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Technical Data Sheet

Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) Description:

Ytterbium Oxide is a white powder that is not hazardous. It is used as a colorant for glasses and enamels and as a  dopant for garnet crystals in lasers. Moreover, Ytterbium Oxide is widely used in optical fibers.

Ytterbium Oxide, also called Ytterbia, is being applied to numerous fiber amplifier and fiber optic technologies, High-purity Ytterbium Oxide are widely applied as a doping agent for garnet crystals in lasers and an important colorant in glasses and porcelain enamel glazes. As Ytterbium Oxide has a significantly higher emissivity in the infrared range than Magnesium Oxide, higher radiant intensity is obtained with Ytterbium-based payloads in comparison to those commonly based on Magnesium/Teflon/Viton (MTV).

Ytterbium Oxide Ytterbium Oxide

Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) Specifications:

Item No.



Lot Size


Ytterbium Oxide 
D50 = 2-5 µm


1 kg 
5 kg 
20 kg


Ytterbium Oxide 
D50 = 2-5 µm

99.99 %

1 kg 
5 kg 
20 kg


Ytterbium Oxide 
for vacuum deposition.

3-12mm or custom size

100 g 
500 g 
5 kg


Ytterbium Oxide 
D50 = 2-5 µm


1 kg 
5 kg 
20 kg

We also provide ytterbium oxide sputtering targets. 

Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) Application:

Laser Gain Medium: Ytterbium-doped crystals and glasses, including ytterbium oxide, are used as laser gain media in high-power solid-state lasers. Yb-doped lasers emit in the near-infrared region and are valuable in materials processing, medical devices, and telecommunications.

Infrared Absorber: Yb2O3 is used as an infrared absorber in glass and optical coatings. It helps improve the performance of optical filters, lenses, and windows by reducing unwanted infrared radiation.

Phosphors: Ytterbium oxide is used in the production of phosphors for cathode ray tubes (CRTs), flat-panel displays, and fluorescent lamps. It contributes to the conversion of ultraviolet light into visible light, providing the desired colors in displays and lighting applications.

Metallurgy: Ytterbium is used as a deoxidizer and alloying element in metallurgy, especially in the production of various metals, including stainless steel and superalloys, to improve their properties.

Nuclear Reactors: Ytterbium oxide is employed in nuclear reactors as a burnable neutron poison. It helps regulate the reactor's neutron flux and enhances safety by controlling the reactor's reactivity.

Catalysis: Ytterbium-based compounds, including ytterbium oxide, are explored as catalysts in chemical reactions due to their unique electronic properties. They can catalyze a range of chemical transformations.

Fiber Optics: Ytterbium-doped optical fibers are used in fiber optic amplifiers, which amplify signals in long-distance telecommunications systems. Yb-doped fibers offer advantages in terms of efficiency and bandwidth.

Photovoltaics: Ytterbium oxide is used in the development of solar cells and photovoltaic devices. It can enhance the efficiency of photovoltaic materials.

Medical Imaging: Yb-doped phosphors are used in medical imaging devices, such as computed tomography (CT) scanners and X-ray detectors, to convert X-ray radiation into visible light for image capture.

Research and Development: Ytterbium oxide is utilized in scientific research and development in various fields, including materials science, chemistry, and physics.

Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) Packaging:

Our Ytterbium Oxide (Yb2O3) is clearly tagged and labeled externally to ensure efficient identification and quality control. Great care is taken to avoid any damage which might be caused during storage or transportation.

packing1 packing2 packing3 packing4

Related articles:

Yb2O3 Safety Information

Other Rare Earth Elements:
Scandium, Europium, Thulium, Dysprosium, Cerium, Lanthanum



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