BaF2 Barium Fluoride Scintillation Crystal Description:
Barium Fluoride is a salt compound of barium and fluorine. In crystal form, it is optically transparent over a wide range from the UV through to the IR and widely used to fabricate optical components. BaF2 barium fluoride scintillation crystals are characterized by a very fast scintillation emission with a decay time of 800 ps at 220 nm. The emission at 220nm has an emission with sub-nanosecond decay time interesting for timing applications.

BaF2 Barium Fluoride Scintillation Crystal Features:
-Subnanosecond decay time
-Two wavelengths of emission (310 nm and 295 nm)
-Slightly hygroscopic with long-term exposure to moisture effective the quality of the surface
-Very sensitive to thermal shock which can cause fracturing
BaF2 Barium Fluoride Scintillation Crystal Specifications:
Density (g/cm3)
Melting Point (K)
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (C-1)
18.4 x 10-6
Cleavage Plane
Hardness (Mohs)
Wavelength of Emission Max. (nm)
310 / 220(195)
Lower Wavelength Cutoff (nm)
Refractive Index @ Emission Max.
150(310nm) 1.54(220nm)
Primary Decay Time (ns)
630 (slow) / 0.6-0.8 (fast)
Light Yield (photons/KeV)
10 (slow) / 1.8 (fast)
Photoelectron Yield (% of NaI(Tl)) (for γ-rays)
16 (slow) / 3 (fast)
BaF2 Barium Fluoride Scintillation Crystal Applications:
- Positron lifetime studies
- Time of flight measurements
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Certain high-energy physics applications