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PTU0412 Low and Wide Base Platinum Crucible

Catalog No. PTU0412
Size 5ml – 125ml or customized
Material Platinum (Pt), PtAu5 (95% Pt and 5% Au), PtIr5 (95% Pt and 5% Ir), PtRh5 (95% Pt and 5% Rh)
Purity Pt ≥ 99.95%, Ir ≥ 99.99%, Rh ≥ 99.99%, Au ≥ 99.99%

SAM offers low and wide base platinum crucibles in a variety of shapes and thicknesses. With our rich experience and knowledge in the metals industry, SAM is undoubtedly your first choice. A Platinum Crucible is a durable, high-purity container made from platinum.

Other platinum products: Standard Platinum Crucible, Platinum Crucible & Mold (Replacements for Perl-X®) Visit more>>

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Low and Wide Base Platinum Crucible Description:

Platinum is the least reactive metal, known for its exceptional resistance to corrosion, even under high-temperature conditions, making it the preferred choice for standard laboratory equipment.

Our Pt crucibles are made from 99.95% pure platinum and platinum alloys, featuring thicker bases and lighter walls, which enhance their durability and ability to withstand harsh use. This ensures reliable performance in the most demanding scientific applications.

Low and wide base crucibles

Low and Wide Base Platinum Crucible Specification:

Size: 5ml – 125ml or customized
Material: Platinum (Pt), PtAu5 (95% Pt and 5% Au), PtIr5 (95% Pt and 5% Ir), PtRh5 (95% Pt and 5% Rh)
Purity: Pt ≥ 99.95%, Ir ≥ 99.99%, Rh ≥ 99.99%, Au ≥ 99.99%

Below is our product list, we can also provide customized low and wide base crucibles.

All weights are in grams and all dimensions are in millimeters.

Code Description Capacity(ml) B A1 Standard Weight Reinforced base and rim Weight range Lid Weight
PT9501 Low and wide crucible, 5ml 5 20 26 4 6 3
PT9502 Low and wide crucible, 8ml 8 21 25 6 8 3
PT9503 Low and wide crucible, 10ml 10 23 27 7 9 3
PT9504 Low and wide crucible, 10ml 10 24 29 8 13 3
PT9505 Low and wide crucible, 12ml 12 25 30 10 13 3
PT9506 Low and wide crucible, 15ml 15 27 30 11 14 3
PT9507 Low and wide crucible, 15ml 15 27 32 13 19 3
PT9508 Low and wide crucible, 20ml 20 28 33 15 18 4
PT9509 Low and wide crucible, 20ml 20 31 37 18 26 4
PT9510 Low and wide crucible, 25ml 25 30 36 19 23 4
PT9511 Low and wide crucible, 25ml 25 34 41 25 35 4
PT9512 Low and wide crucible, 30ml 30 32 40 22 27 6
PT9513 Low and wide crucible, 30ml 30 34 38 25 31 6
PT9514 Low and wide crucible, 35ml 35 33 42 25 32 6
PT9515 Low and wide crucible, 35ml 35 36 44 26 38 6
PT9516 Low and wide crucible, 40ml 40 34 43 30 36 7
PT9517 Low and wide crucible, 40ml 40 40 45 30 41 7
PT9518 Low and wide crucible, 50ml 50 42 50 36 51 8
PT9519 Low and wide crucible, 50ml 50 41 50 39 58 8
PT9520 Low and wide crucible, 60ml 60 39 48 46 54 9
PT9521 Low and wide crucible, 70ml 70 41 52 50 63 12
PT9522 Low and wide crucible, 70ml 70 45 55 53 75 12
PT9523 Low and wide crucible, 80ml 80 47 52 51 72 14
PT9524 Low and wide crucible, 90ml 90 48 57 52 81 15
PT9525 Low and wide crucible, 100ml 100 48 62 70 91 17
PT9526 Low and wide crucible, 120ml 120 57 57 84 98 22
PT9527 Low and wide crucible, 125ml 125 59 59 97 114 25


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Low and Wide Base Platinum Crucible Packaging:

Our Low and Wide Base Platinum Crucibles are clearly tagged and labeled externally to ensure efficient identification and quality control. Great care is taken to avoid any damage which might be caused during storage or transportation.

Related articles:

How to Maintain Platinum Crucible



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